Schools and territory


In the meantime, with the joining of the “Progetto Tirreno – Eco-Schools”, Interscholastic Network formed in the 1990s, which involves all the schools of Fiumicino, students can access the site and, thanks to the support of specialised personnel, study the territory of the ports of Claudius and Trajan, fundamental landing point since antiquity and a crucial place for the development of trade in the Mediterranean. With the method of learning by doing, through specific training courses, outings on the field and educational workshops, the student is put in the condition to learn historical and cultural peculiarities and become in turn, during the days of the open archaeological area, motor for the transmission of knowledge toward their peers and the citizenship at large

Also, experimental workshops, e.g. joinery workshops, have been organized  in schools. Workshops aim to the development of manual and artistic abilities.

Kids from middle schools of the municipality of Fiumicino have taken part to the creation of items related to the purposes of the project, e.g. reproductions of mosaics from nearby Ancient Ostia, tools and machineries used in the ancient Rome as well.

Items created will be displayed within the archeological area of the port of Claudius, and a travelling exhibition will be set up in schools of the municipality of Fiumicino.